4-"Do you really want to hurt me?"

Recuerda que la entonación de las frases interrogativas en inglés depende del tipo de pregunta que sea. Por ejemplo, las YES / NO questions tienen una entonación ascendente (rising intonation), mientras que en las llamadas WH- Questions la entonación es descendente (falling intonation). Veamos un par de ejemplos:
Are you waiting for the bus here? (rising)
What are you doing with that? (falling)
What are you doing with that? (falling)
¿Recuerdas la canción de Culture Club titulada Do you really want to hurt me? Escúchala de nuevo en Click here y presta atención a la entonación de las oraciones interrogativas.

Say if the following interrogative sentences end in falling or rising intonation:
- Do you speak English?
- Where are you living now?
- How is your sister today?
- Are you listening to the radio?
- Does Andrés play tennis at weekends?
- Is Paco improving his level of English language?
- What are you doing here?
- How many languages does your sister speak?