2-Is Paco improving his English?

Recuerda que para formar la interrogativa del Presente Continuo, al igual que con otros tiempos verbales, el auxiliar se coloca al principio de la frase:
Paco is studying English now.
Is Paco studying English now?
Is Paco studying English now?
En caso de que haya un pronombre interrogativo en la frase, siempre se coloca al principio de ella, delante del auxiliar, en este caso el verbo to be:
What is Paco studying now?
Si tienes alguna duda al respecto, echa un vistazo en Click here.

Change these affirmative sentences into interrogative ones:
You are listening to the radio.
Are you listening to the radio?
- Paco is watering the flowers.
- Sonia is helping his mother in the kitchen.
- Antonio and Isabel are painting the living room.
- Paco is improving his English.
- Alex and Andrés are playing football.

Write down interrogative sentences to these statements using question words and taking into account the underlined words:
Paco is watering the flowers.
What is Paco watering?
- Sonia is helping her mother in the kitchen.
- Antonio and Isabel are painting the living room.
- Paco is improving his English.
- Alex and Andrés are playing football in the park.

- Put the words in order to form correct questions in Present Continuous.
- Click here for further practice on this topic.