1.1 Paco told Sonia he was eating well

Icono IDevice Listening activity

Paco told Sonia he was eating well. In fact, he added that he believed he was putting on weight. People putting on weight is a daily subject of conversation. However, not all the people have problems with their overweight. Although you can't believe it, there are other people, fewer, of course, who need to go on a special diet to put on weight.

Watch the video above and answer the following questions.

1. What is the main thing people who want to gain weight have to do?

2. Why does fruit juice have a lot of calories?

It is very important to remember that when we repeat in the present what you or someone else said in the past, there are some important changes we have to take into account. Those changes affect verb tenses, pronouns and some adverbs. Have a look at the main changes that take place in reported speech by clicking on the picture below.


Icono de iDevice Solved exercise
Let's have a look at some of the statements Paco and Sonia use in their conversation on the phone. Turn them into the reported speech.

1. "Mum and dad are looking forward to your arrival in Madrid."

Sonia told Paco mum and dad ___________________________________ in Madrid.

By Aminimanda. C. Commons

2. "I don't know yet."

Paco said he _________________________________.

3. "I won't be back until the end of June."

Paco believed he ________________________________________.

4. "You should come and see all the places I have seen."

Paco told Sonia (that) she ___________________________________________ seen.

5. "Wherever I go I try new dishes and food."

Paco said (that) wherever ___________________________________________.

Icono IDevice Furhter knowledge
If you feel like studying reported speech more deeply, have a look at the presentation you may find by clicking here. It is really good and complete and you have the chance to download it if you want to. And in this presentation, you will find out a summary of the main changes that take place when reporting statements. Maybe you prefer this one. Not only it is quite clear and easy, but lots of examples are also provided.

Practice is essential. Click here to complete a listening and an exercise on the topic.

Icono de iDevice Self-Assessment activity
Now, it's time for you to practice. Turn into the reported speech some other statements uttered by Paco and Sonia.

1. "You've been abroad for a month and a half."

Sonia told Paco (that) for a month and a half.

2. "Our guide, Devaj, told us many interesting things."

Paco said (that) , Devaj, interesting things.

3. "I'll be back soon and I'll take lots of photographs with me."

He assured Sonia (that) he soon and lots of photographs .

4. "We would like to hear from you more often."

Sonia told Paco (that) more often.

5. "I can't believe that."

Sonia said (that) that.


Icono IDevice Curiosity
By Teh epicness! C. Commons

If you are overweight, you are not alone. Sixty-six percent of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Achieving a healthy weight can help you control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It might also help you prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers.

Eating too much or not being physically active enough will make you overweight. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat. A weight-control strategy might include

  • Choosing low-fat, low-calorie foods
  • Eating smaller portions
  • Drinking water instead of sugary drinks
  • Being physically active
1Taken from MedlinePlus.

Once we have checked how to report statements, let's move on to questions. Do you remember how we report questions in reported speech? Go on to next section to review it!