1. The plane has just taken off

Icono de iDevice Past simple vs. Present Perfect

Do you remember the structures of Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple?


Subject + verb -ed

Subject + have/has + verb -ed


Subject + 2nd column

Subject + have/has + 3rd column

Go back to the text in the previous section and make two lists: one with all the verbs in the Past Simple and another one with all the verbs in the Present Perfect Simple.

What time expressions are used with each of these tenses?





Icono IDevice Important
Remember you need to know the list of irregular verbs by heart in order to use the past tenses we are revising in this unit: you will use the second column for the Past Simple, and the third column for the Present Perfect Simple and the Past Perfect. You should know them already but remember you have a full list in unit 1.

Icono de iDevice Solved exercise

How do you form the negative and the interrogative forms of the Past Simple and the Present Perfect Simple?


I worked

He bought

I _____ work

He ________

Did you _____?

____ he _____?


Pregunta Verdadero-Falso
Are the following sentences correct (true) or incorrect (false)? Notice the form of the verb and also the time expressions in the sentences.

1. Last year Paco has been to England.

By Bachir, C. Commons

Verdadero Falso

2. Paco has been on the plane for five minutes.

Verdadero Falso

3. He's visited part of Africa so far.

Verdadero Falso

4. Sonia didn't phone Paco lately.

Verdadero Falso

5. Paco has visited the Apartheid Museum a few days ago.

Verdadero Falso
Icono de iDevice Pronunciation

Do you remember the rules for the -ed pronunciation?

There are three different ways of pronouncing the -ed ending. The difference depends on the final sound we pronounce in the infinitive form, if it is voiced (when the vocal cords vibrate) or voiceless (when there is no vibration). You can try this by putting your fingers in your throat when pronouncing a word!

  • When the final sound is voiced, the -ed ending sounds /d/.
  • When the final sound is voiceless, the -ed ending sounds /t/.
  • When the final sound is either /t/ or /d/, then it sounds /Id/.

Decide the -ed pronunciation of these verbs: cooked, started, sailed, wanted, cleaned, asked, added, passed, listened.


Icono IDevice Further knowledge
You can practice the Past Simple and the Present Perfect by doing this exercise. It's easy! And the more you practice, the easier it gets!

Icono IDevice Curiosity

Did you know the origin of the name 'Freetown', the capital city of Sierra Leone?

This country was founded at the end of the 18th century as a home for freed slaves, and this is the reason why its capital was called Freetown. It became a refuge for black people, mainly African slaves from North America who got their freedom and had supported the British in the American War of Independence. Interesting, isn't it?

By Travlr, C. Commons

After comparing the Past Simple with the Present Perfect Simple, we are going to compare the former with another tense in the next section: the Past Perfect. Let's continue!