2. Paco will use his euros in Ireland

Icono IDevice Reading activity





While Paco is on the train, he is thinking about the new adventures he will experience. Although he will miss his new British friends, he thinks he will have a good time. He's also thinking about the long history of independence of this country. The island of Ireland is divided in two parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The former is part of the United Kingdom (it is one of the four kingdoms), and the latter is a different country. Therefore, Paco won't be able to spend his remaining pounds from the UK. However, the Republic of Ireland is part of the euro area, so he will use this currency in Dublin.

By Jonto, C. Commons

The picture on the right will give you a better idea of the different parts of the island. Northern Ireland, in the north, with Belfast as its capital city, is part of the UK, whereas the Republic of Ireland is another country with Dublin as its capital. There has been a conflict in Northern Ireland for a long time between those people who want it to be part of the UK and those people who want their country to be politically united with the rest of Ireland.

Surely Paco will enjoy Dublin!

Identify all the examples of future with 'will' that you can find in the text. There is also an example in the negative form. Can you identify it as well?

Self-Assessment activity
Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. The Republic of Ireland is part of the UK.

Verdadero Falso

2. Paco has some pounds left from the UK.

Verdadero Falso

3. Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland.

Verdadero Falso

4. There is a conflict in The Republic of Ireland nowadays.

Verdadero Falso
Icono de iDevice Reflexión

1. What form of the verb comes after will or won't?

2. Try to complete the affirmative, negative or interrogative forms of the future with will.

I will eat
I won't eat
Will I eat?
You ___ eat
You ___ eat
Will you eat?
He/She/It will eat
He/She/It ___ eat ___ he/she/it eat?
We ___ eat We ___ eat
___ we eat?
You ___ eat
You ___ eat ___ you eat?
They ___ eat
They ___ eat ___ they eat?
Icono de iDevice Self-Assessment activity

Complete the sentences with will or won't and an appropriate verb:

not fail, go, not eat, read, visit

1. I to the beach next summer.

2. They their grandma next Saturday.

3. They the exam again.

4. Sarah the book she bought.

5. We pasta again.


Icono de iDevice Solved exercise

Study the following sentences and decide if they refer to present, past or future:

  • We're going on holiday next week.
  • He's coming to dinner tomorrow.
  • What time does the ferry leave?
  • The ferry arrives at 11.30.

Icono IDevice Curiosity

Symbols of Ireland

The flag of the Republic of Ireland has three colours: green, which represents the majority Catholic residents; orange, which represents the minority Protestant; and white, which represents peace.

The two main symbols of this country are the shamrock and the harp.

The harp has been a symbol of Ireland for a long time. Legends say that it has magical powers. In the early 1500s, it was depicted on Irish coins for the first time, a tradition which has been carried on until now. The shamrock was also thought to have magical powers. When St. Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland) came to the island, he used it to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity. Both symbols are used for many other matters, and the shamrock is used to represent Saint Patrick's Day.

By Olaf_S, C. Commons By sarahamina, C. Commons By mikebaird, C. Commons


Icono IDevice Further knowledge
If you want to learn a bit more about these symbols, click here.

So far we've seen two different ways of expressing the future: 'be going to' in the first section, and 'will' in the second one. In the next section we are going to use the future with 'will' to express conditional sentences. Let's go!